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What is the Relationship in Quran and Fasting?

The Qur’an is the greatest gift to humankind from the Almighty. According to Imam Amin Ahsan Islahi, It is a divine guide that illuminates and nurtures the intellect.

Without the Qur’an, our intellects would continue to fumble in the dark, even if it is equipped with the eyes of science.

That’s why, Ramadan, the month in which this precious gift was bestowed upon mankind should be celebrated. For this very reason, Muslims are commanded to fast during this month to show their gratitude & honor towards the Bestower, the all powerful.

Fasting is a way to increase your taqwa (consiousness of God). It is taqwa (belief) upon which rests the basis of a religion and its continued existence in this world. However, certain wrongdoings can strip the fast of its blessings.

When you fail to attain ‘taqwa’ through fasting

  1. Many people end up making Ramadan a month of indulging in tasty foods and drinks, instead of disciplining their desires, people spend all their time preparing lavish iftar meals. To avoid this, one should eat to sustain oneself and gather enough energy for work, rather than making eating and drinking one’s primary concern. Wealthy people should spend their money on the poor and needy instead of indulging in their own desires.
  2. The second wrongdoing that can diminish the benefits of fasting is venting one’s short temper on others. Instead of making the fast a means to control one’s temper, some people make it an excuse to lash out on their loved ones or servants. The fast should be used as a shield to control one’s emotions in such instances.
  3. The third wrongdoing is trying to find replacements for food and drinks, such as playing cards, watching movies, or gossiping with friends. When a person’s stomach is empty, they should refrain from harming their fast by indulging in these activities. Instead, they should spend their time in prayer and reading the Qur’an.
  4. The fourth wrongdoing is when an individual fasts not out of devotion to God, but rather to shield themselves from the criticism and censure of their family and acquaintances. At times, they may undergo the rigors of fasting to appear more religious, which ultimately undermines the true purpose of fasting.

The relationship between the Qur’an and fasting is intertwined, as fasting is a way to cultivate taqwa, which further forms the basis of one’s faith. To fully benefit from the Qur’an, it is crucial to observe the fast with discipline, control one’s temper, and refrain from indulging in activities that harm the fast.

By doing so, the purpose of fasting will be fulfilled in a truer sense, giving you an immense increase in your God consciousness that will nourish your spirit and bring you closer to the Divine.

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